Students in Grades 1-11 may start the first of the two-year process, preparing to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion in the second year of preparation. Students must be enrolled in a Faith Formation Program or in a Catholic School at least 1 year prior to receiving the sacraments of First Communion and First Reconciliation (Penance).
Parents/Guardians take part in preparing their child for the reception of both these Sacraments. At least one adult is required to attend the sessions with the student.
The Communion classes draw students and their families into a deep experience of Eucharist, which helps them love more fully their Catholic faith.
A copy of the student’s baptismal certificate is required for all those who are preparing to celebrate sacraments. For more information, please call the Faith Formation Office (email [email protected] or 650-593-6157)
You can find more information on our Faith Formation process by clicking the button:If you or someone you know is ill or homebound and wishes to someone bring communion, please call the parish office 650-593-6157 or email [email protected].
For additional information, please click below.