With Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday) we solemnly begin the celebration of the core events of our faith. Jesus entered Jerusalem to suffer, die, and rise. In fervent prayer we follow the Lord as we hope to enter more fully into His Suffering, His Death, and His Resurrection. The Church calls out to all her faithful children to take notice of these sacred days. Unlike last year we will have public services this year, all are encouraged to assist at the Holy Week liturgies in person or via livestream, especially the last three days which we call the Sacred Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil, which is the principal Easter celebration. Please consult our complete schedule for details.
Remember, what happened then happens now. After almost two thousand years, we have just begun to learn from all that the Lord has done for us out of love. It’s as if these holy events took place just a few seconds ago. In the Lord’s Holy Passion, we have a view of what sin continues to do in our own time. The forces of evil continue to mock Jesus, spit on Him, ridicule Him, and reject Him. Fallen man and woman wants the clock turned back to a time before Christ. The follies of Adam and Eve repeat. God’s loving commandment continue to be held in contempt. Disobedience is preferred. The shrill cry resounds in our ears: “Away with Him, crucify Him, crucify Him! We want Barabbas!!” One Italian wrote a book warning us of the “Hour of Barabbas,” “The time of Barabbas.”
Just as we might give up on our world and even ourselves love continues to come down to us from Christ crucified. We hear: “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!” and “This day you will be with me in Paradise!” Jesus calls out “I thirst” because He thirsts for our souls, our salvation. He will not give up on us no matter what. His new and eternal covenant is sealed by His death and resurrection. There is no turning back for God. “It is finished” we hear from the dying Lord Jesus to assure us that our redemption has been accomplished for all times and places. The Cross is a sign of triumph, not defeat. It is the path of life not death. The obedient Jesus teaches us that the way of fidelity to Him and His Church is the tried and true path that leads to resurrection and eternal happiness.
The question is: “Where do I stand?” With humble trust our palm branches remain a sign that we are on the side of the Lord. Take one home to put behind a crucifix as a reminder of victory in the Lord throughout the year. By His grace we will remain faithful all our days. We pray: “Jesus, for Thee I live! Jesus, for Thee I die! Jesus, I am Thine in life and in death! Amen!” His victory will be ours.
Yours in the Crucified Lord, Fr. Mark G. Mazza, Pastor