During these difficult and uncertain times, here's some local and national social referrals. If you know of someone who might be in need, please pass them along.
is scheduled for December 22 at Fair Oaks Community Center on 2600 Middlefield Rd, Redwood City. Please bring your gifts of toys, clothes, toiletries, blankets, etc. to the IHM Church vestibule on the weekend of December 14 and 15. For further information, call Rick Dachauer at 650-279-2967.
All youth in grades 5 – 12 who have received their First Holy Communion are invited to be part of this important Ministry! Fr. Rufino will be training all current servers AND new servers on Friday – November 15 and November 22 at 6:00 pm in IHM Church. Click News Title for more info....
YOU! They are donated one plate at a time by parishioners who bake or buy them and bring them in on Sunday. Please help by volunteering to be one of the folks who is asked occasionally to bring a plate of treats. Sign up in the Discovery Room after Mass today and enjoy being a contributor to our vibrant parish community!
You are invited to join the volunteers who produce our May 11th Gala. Blue volunteer forms are on the vestibule table or auction webpage. The green flyer lists committees and their chairmen. You may also sign up for the various community events throughout the year. You will be contacted. Questions? Please call General Chairman Gloria Oswald 650-591-4719.
You are invited to join the volunteers who produce our May 11th Gala or the various community events throughout the year. We need you to celebrate IHM Life through 2019. Questions? Click Title for more information.
Exciting Small Group Program to start during Lent. If you are interested in being a facilitator or assistant, contact Sam or Laura Hutkins. Click on the News title for more details.