Jesus offers his healing presence in the sacrament of Reconciliation. Through the mercy of God we obtain pardon for our sins against God and reconciliation with the Body of Christ that has been wounded.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered at IHM every Saturday, from 4:00 to 4:45 p.m., or by appointment. During the seasons of Advent and Lent we hold evening parish-wide Reconciliation Services, with an opportunity for individual confession.
Please contact the Parish office at 650-593-6157 to make an appointment.
Prayers and Preparation for Confession
Children over the age of seven who have been baptized may take the next step in the Initiation process and prepare for First Eucharist. Typically, the children are enrolled in the parish Faith Formation program for two years, and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent, followed by First Communion during the Easter season of their second year of preparation.
For more information about our First Eucharist and First Reconciliation preparation process, contact Robyn Lang at [email protected] or 650-593-6157.